week 24

Pregnancy: 24 Weeks

Momhood, Personaladmin2 Comments

This post is a little bit behind (as I'll be 25 weeks pretty soon.) Aside from feeling Baby Girl kick a little more than weeks past, there isn't too much new going on over here. I'm grateful that this second trimester has been pretty easy going but it could possibly be attributed to the fact that this is my second pregnancy. My body seems to remember just what it needs to do and so there haven't been many moments that take me by surprise. I'm really excited to start attending pre-natal yoga at our base gym this upcoming week. I did it towards the end of my pregnancy with Kaiden and loved it! (Though, I will say it's not just yoga. The first half is more aerobics and the second half is yoga.) I had to run around all this past week filling out paper work and updating shot records so that I could participate and so I could put Kaiden in the free child care at the gym. I'm so excited that I will be taking these classes twice a week and that Kaiden will have some social interaction (with people other than mom) at the same time!Baby Size & Development:Cantaloupe. Baby girl will start gaining about 4-6 ounces per week. Most of this weight comes from baby fat and developing organs. She is able to hear most noises outside the belly including dog barks and people's voices. I'm sure she is extremely familiar with Kaiden's voice! There's no pigment in her hair yet so she technically has white hair...weird!Signs & Symptoms:Lower abdominal aches. Since everything is being pushed out, I find random aches and pains occur every now and then.Side sleeping. Long gone are the days of me being able to sleep on my belly or flat on my back. My pregnancy pillow is my night-time cuddler and helps me feel a lot more comfortable.Best Moment This Week:I've started attending a weekly women's Bible study (I'll be blogging more about that later!) and I met a girl around my age that is expecting too! When I asked what her due date was, we found out that our due dates are only one day apart. I thought that was pretty awesome. I don't know why but I think it's so much harder to make friends with other girls than it is for guys to befriend other guys, so I'm pretty pumped that we have something pretty major in common. :)Worst Moment This Week: Kaiden was dealing with both a cold and teething symptoms, which resulted in a rough few days for me. Thankfully, he seems to be past both issues and feeling back to normal.What I Most Look Forward To:I'm just really excited to meet her and get to know her personality. So far, I'm thinking she will be a lot more chill than Kaiden. She doesn't kick nearly as much as he did. I do think she is a bit stubborn, though. When the nurse was trying to find her heartbeat, she kept curling up her body and hiding. Anytime the nurse would push a bit on my belly, she would give a strong kick as if she were telling her to stop.